Gastroenterology And Hepatology

     In our gastroenterology department, polyclinic and inpatient treatment services are provided on the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, pancreas and gallbladder diseases. Apart from routine polyclinic services, various diagnosis and treatment services are also offered. Some of the diagnostic and treatment services provided in our department are:

Upper Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy

     The examination of the esophagus, stomach and twelve finger intestines with an illuminated system. It is used for diagnosis and treatment. Peptic ulcer is used in the diagnosis of esophageal cancers and stomach cancers as well as in the treatment of gastric bleeding, treatment of gastric strictures and removal of foreign bodies. In addition, biopsy can be taken from the stomach during the examination.

Colonoscopy-Sigmoidoscopy and Rectoscopy

     It is the examination of some or all of the large intestine with instruments that work with an illuminated system. It is used in the diagnosis of large diarrheal cancer and in the diagnosis of chronic diarrhea. Polyps that can lead to cancer can be removed with this procedure and bleeding from the large intestine can be intervened.

ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticogaphy)

     It is a procedure that allows the visualization of the bile ducts and the pancreas channel. With this procedure, bile duct stones can be removed without surgery. Stenosis of the bile duct can be treated by expanding the balloon or placing the tube.

Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)

     Unlike conventional ultrasonography, an ultrasound receiver placed at the end of the endoscope device is used to see the inside of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, as well as the tumors that develop in structures such as pancreas, biliary tracts and lymph nodes adjacent to these organs.

Gastrostomy (PEG)

     Gastrostomy is the process of endoscopic tube placement and feeding from the stomach to provide nutrition for people who cannot swallow foods for various reasons.

Motility Laboratory

     Gastroesophageal reflux disease, dysphagia, fecal incontinence and constipation problems are investigated. 24 hours pH measurement and follow-up in reflux patients, pressure measurements in the esophagus with the catheter placed in the esophagus, and measurements of constipation and fecal incontinence problems.

Gastroenterology Team

M.İhsan Uslan M.D. Professor
Aydın Şeref Köksal M.D. Professor
Ahmet Tarık Eminler M.D. Assoc. Professor